Straight Arm vs Bent Arm: Knife Defense Insights: Add to all Systems: BJJ, MMA, Karate, Aikido.
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In the world of self-defense and martial arts, understanding biomechanics can be a game-changer. One such golden rule is making a bent arm straight during knife disarms. This simple yet effective technique can be integrated into any fighting system, be it Krav Maga, Jiu-Jitsu, or even military and law enforcement training. By straightening the attacker’s arm, you maximize leverage, making the disarm far more manageable. Proceed with caution: these techniques require thorough practice and should only be executed when you’re absolutely confident. Watch more to become a well-rounded fighter.
This Gentleman understand the concept or the principles, It's Not Just for train a bunch of random techniques; going Deep inside The Reason Why we do things with the way we do.
You're VERY rude aren't you. Several times have messaged you and yet blatantly ignored me. So be it will look elsewhere for an online knife defence course. I will not contact you again
Amazing technique! Thank you!