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Copyright © 2024 2A Alliance Self Defense Portal.
2A Alliance Self Defense Portal is not responsible for the content of external sites.
we need a 100 round magazine
Years in field and I never knew this!
Well it's for a larger mag now vs the 20rd
Extra medical gear 😂what's that
Cru baby
I wish I knew that in the field…
I figured that out the first time i got one… special alright
23 years in the army living the Group life at the range all day And my mind is blown.
Basic training Circa 2000, Ft. Knox Kentucky, we were still trained Vietnam/Cold War era’s tactics, this was shown to us by our Senior DS
Seen on another channel 👍
I went through ITB, how tf did they not teach us this? This is fucking great!
Damn I’m so scared of running it off so I’d hold 10 of these and 5 in reserve
What brand bandoliers world these work with
Nobody told us that! 😂
We were just filling 5-gallon buckets full of magazines and loading them in the truck. 😂
Never turn down free pockets
Holy shit! Never knew this!
When I was in SOI in the MARINES my training Sargent was so happy and pleased with me when I did this on my own. First time he saw a newbie do it. My Dad was in before me and we had a bunch of them on the farm so I thought it was common knowledge.
WTF is people really stupid enough to not know that sorry about that l have just seen it is the USA 🇺🇸 😂😂😂😂😂
I will never not be confused everytime I hear Bill the Electrician from New Jersey start rattling off special forces info
This just blew my mind
I love the bandoleers but I don't understand when the ammo guys won't give them to me lol
How much do you guys carry in your packs?
Very nice Mary nice, teach the new generation, some mentality and some knowledge
This short embraces the Murican spirit. Hyfr brother.
We called em speed balls
1, in the case you need string
2, in the case you need storage
3, in the case you need to rip it and use it as a cloth bandage
4, in the case you need to sew it up after ripping it
I was airborne infantry for 8 years and i was never told about this. I just kept my extra mags loose in my assault pack.
Who asked?
Wish I would of known that.
no one cares
Magazines??? I thought they were clips???
Wow! This actually blew my mind.
tell the guys ammo food water communication most important things you can have
People don't know this?
better than that we also used them for arm slings